Thursday, September 12, 2019

HR & Communication in Projects - Weekly Discussion Topics Coursework

HR & Communication in Projects - Weekly Discussion Topics - Coursework Example Another important attribute that is vital in the building up of a team is that the project manager should have exceptional organizational skills. A work example of the importance of this attribute is that before and during a project, good organizational skills will help the project manager to plan strategies and objectives that will allow the team members to perform in an optimal manner (Scott, 2014). It is also important for a project manager to display the attribute of confidence in both his and the abilities of his team. In the course of a project, confident project managers are secure in the decisions that they make concerning the team. There are also a number of attributes which although they are important to a project manager, they are not quite vital in the building up of a team. One of these attributes is effective negotiation skills. Whereas this skill is important in the resolution of workplace conflicts, it is found to not be as important to project managers in building up of a team. Another attribute that can be considered to not be vital in the building up of a team is empathy. A project example of the relative unimportance of this attribute is that although empathy is important in the everyday management operations, it can be found to not be as important when building up a team. A team performance analysis can broadly be described as the process of evaluating the overall performance of a given team. The analysis seeks to try and establish the failures and successes of the team based on its efforts. To conduct an effective team performance analysis, there are a set of four key categories that are analyzed (Thompson. 2008). Each of these categories covers a number of key questions that must be answered before a project manager can be able to know how to plan for the future effectiveness of the team performance these categories are: Productivity: In conducting a team performance analysis,

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